Thursday, April 21, 2011


Dear Mr. Will Richardson –
In your article “And What Do YOU Mean by Learning?” I feel that learning to ME is acquiring information in a way that it will be retained. For schools this means no spelling lists in English class, and only a few important dates to memorize in history. I also believe that these types of memorizations be replaced by hands on visual activities to help kids visually learn. An example of this would be in a World War II unit, coloring a world map with different colors for the allied and axis powers, this way kids would visually remember the country’s on both sides of the conflict without memorizing before the test, and then forgetting after the test. I also believe that if schools provide hands on learning that kids will be much more focused and would understand and retain the information they learn leaving them much better off in the long run. In the future, I would hope to see more of this teaching/learning style happening around the country and because of it, see kids retaining and enjoying the things they are learning.

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